The Future is Uncertain!
- The future belongs to pivoters: those who are flexible and agile
- The future is digital – staff direction used to be largely “do all of this and get to digital when you can.” What does it look like to devote 20% or more of your budget to digital?
- The future will seamlessly slip between digital and physical.

Turn Focus into Laser Beam Performance
Both leaders and organizations need to know how to pivot. Arm-chair hockey coaches can tell when a group of players on the bench are not functioning as a team. There is no humour, no encouragement of one another, and only individual focus. Teams that play like this will fail to use their combined strengths to achieve their goals. Progress, at best will be intermittent and at worst will regress. Using an approach that appreciates the gifts and abilities of each member, we will focus the power of the team into a laser beam of performance.
How We Help Organizations Stay on Mission
- Let’s talk about how to pivot and create the future while guarding the past.
- Let’s talk about how to lead an organization in these unique times.
- What are the both/ands of your context?
- How can you and others become comfortable with “both/and” thinking?
Other Ways We Can Help
Clarifying Organizational Mission and Values
Organizational Health and Structure
Leadership Assessment for Hiring
Workshops on Science & Faith
- One off workshops
- 13 week course on Science, Technology, and Society
Transitional Leadership
- Planning for a change in leaders
- Preparing the organization for a new leader
Interim Leadership
- Helping a church deal with the tension of “do we hire a new pastor and let them develop the mission?” or do we “develop the mission of this church and then find a pastor that fits the mission?”
- Preaching and teaching for a limited timeframe
Diversity in Leadership
- Helping organizations create an environment where all people can thrive in leadership
- The role of women and men
Supernatural and Natural
- What should we expect from God when we pray? Can miracles still occur? How do we communicate their existence in a naturalistic world?
- What do we say and do when God answers with a “no”?
- Courses in Ethics from the University of Calgary, Regent College, and Georgetown University and connections with consultants in the field of bio-medical ethics lead to real world ethical input in issues such as the ethics of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID).
Ridley Church Planter Assessment Interviews
Governance and Eldership Processes
- What are the different models?
- What models are best according to contemporary research
- What are the flaws in even the best models?
New Models of the Church
- What about house churches?
- What about missional communities
- What about electronic church?
- What about satellite models?
- Helping churches become online churches while still maintaining a face-to-face presence.
Community Groups in the Church
- Do we emphasise Bible learning? Belonging? Mission? Compassion? Evangelism?
- In a cultural reality where people are anxious and lonely, the church needs to be a model of true community.
Workshop on Mission
- What is the mission of the organization?
- “What should we start doing?” “What should we stop doing?” and “What should we continue doing?”
Property Development
- How does an organization leverage their building and property for maximum effect?
- When should the organisation call in a development consultant?
- What about developing housing beside the organisation’s building
We can provide tools, forms, and guidance for:
- Hiring
- Dismissal
- Creating job descriptions
- Coaching multiple staff
Bev and I appreciate the time you spent working with the leadership team at Bow Waters Community Church. Your insights both in our homes and at the church retreat at Salem Acres were very valuable.
We have appreciated getting to know you, Maureen, and your passion to see others come to know and follow Jesus. You folks have made us feel so welcome at BVCC and you played a major role in Patricia’s life as she began a new journey in her life. Your teaching has been tremendous and helped, along with reading your book.
Thank you
Thank you both for your valuable friendship over the years. You truly have blessed Leanne and me in countless ways. Keith – it has been an honor and a great pleasure working with you on various tasks and committees. You are a person gifted in many areas and have found ways to use those gifts so effectively for the church. I will certainly miss working with you, and I’m sure you will be greatly missed by many others as well, especially as we enter these uncertain post-virus times. Thank you and God bless all your future endeavors.
I have greatly appreciated Keith and Maureen. From the time I first came to the church, they were some of the friendliest people I met. I have appreciated Keith showing an interest in what is happening in my life, making an effort to talk to me regularly at the church, and praying for me. I have enjoyed staying in shape with him on a number of hikes. His godly character is evident.
Thank you for being who you are and sharing your love for God and his church with us. We are blessed. I admire your heart for church planting and your desire to see others come to know Jesus.
We have enjoyed getting to know you over the past few years. Your sermons have encouraged and challenged us, and we appreciate your quiet leadership and wisdom. Your support and home visits have been a huge blessing in our lives, and we are so thankful for your compassion and heart for Jesus! May God richly bless you and Maureen as you journey forward.
Keith and Maureen, You were a piece of the puzzle that made our transition to BVCC 6 years ago so seamless. You both are kind and always eager to listen intently to what is happening in our lives. All the best on your new adventures in life.
Thank you so much for all you have done for all of us at BVCC. Your positive and cheerful attitude in all that you do has been an inspiration to us both. We have enjoyed and learned so much from your sermons. You truly have a gift from God and we appreciate that you have shared it with us. Your leadership on the development team has been a blessing. Just the right amount of enthusiasm and organization to make things go forward.
Thank you for your many great sermons and all the care you have shown to BVCC family, especially through many transitions! May the Lord bless you guys wherever He’s calling you to!
I think we will miss you most especially next stampede.