All of us have questions about the supernatural world and how it interacts with the natural world. We wonder about those things in life that seem to point to something more. When we face turmoil, a cancer diagnosis, job loss, a pandemic, a potential war, we are drawn to the supernatural and ask if God can give us a miracle.
We ask questions about who will get a miracle, who will not get a miracle, and we may wonder if anyone gets a miracle anymore. Even in times of great joy, the birth of a newborn, the thrill of new love, a well-crafted lyric or poem, or the exhilaration of a summer storm, we wonder what some of our experiences might mean. What is this thrill of the sublime that captures us?
Is it something more than just a chemical reaction in our brain? Do these feelings point to something more? What is it that sustains our faith in God when naturalism crowds out our sense of the divine? Why doesn’t God make himself more plain? Supernatural provides a renewed way of looking at our world.
Come on a journey into the spiritual and explore questions that have troubled many of us for years. Join with others on a spiritual adventure and hear the stories of those who dared to ask God for something supernatural … and got it.

Praise for Supernatural
Keith Shields is a gifted scientist, a caring pastor, and a serious seeker of spiritual truth. In this volume, he gently and thoughtfully leads the reader through a comprehensive exploration of the possibility of an open universe … a world in which God is mysteriously present, active, and loving. Keith graciously unmasks a number of popular pitfalls and spaciously grants his audience the room they need to consider the important question of whether a supernatural God is reaching out to them. Insightful and compelling, this book will be helpful to anyone wrestling with the question of, “God, are You here with me?”
Keith Shields brings us a valuable, thought-provoking book that challenges us to experience all that life has to offer–including the supernatural. As both a scientist and a theologian, Keith is uniquely positioned to produce this insightful work that can guide the open-minded person toward meaningful dialogue and mutual learning. There are no simplistic answers, just an honest wrestling with difficult questions that take us beyond what we can fully understand. I wholeheartedly recommend this beautifully-written tribute to the intersection of the natural and the supernatural.
In his brilliant book, Supernatural, Keith Shields grapples with evident encounters of supernatural phenomenon against the practical workings of cause and effect, the empirical systems so familiar to the disciplines of science, to provide a faithful interpretation of the data as he observes God break into time and space. In doing so, Keith challenges the comfortable theological boxes we have created to contain our belief in Empiricism, demonstrating the confidence we can have in God’s continuing work. His “humble apologetic” I gladly endorse and pledge to mimic in my own relationships.
Supernatural is a humble, honest and gentle invitation to see God at work around us. Within hours of finishing the book I had recommended it to a friend and thought of others who would gain from this good read.
Keith wades into the challenging and confusing waters of the supernatural with authenticity rooted in theological reflection and personal experience. He shares his struggle, his search, and his findings and invites honest explorers on a journey of discovery. Supernatural is a must-read for anyone willing to go deeper into the mysteries of how God works.
I’ve been friends with Keith for many years and have always appreciated the diligence and clarity of his thought processes. In Supernatural Keith brings this same approach to his personal experience and pursuit to understand the miraculous and what that says about faith in or disbelief in God. Keith’s honesty and appreciation of those who may not share his same convictions amplify the sincerity with which he writes without diminishing his own convictions. It is a thought provoking and interesting read for all who ponder the possibility of the Supernatural.